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How to improve performance of following loop

Clear upper bytes of __m128i

Why should you not access the __m128i fields directly?

c++ sse intrinsics

C/C++: -msse and -msse2 Flags do not have any effect on the binaries?

c++ gcc sse sse2

How to truncate float values in XMM register

c++ c assembly sse

AVX2 float compare and get 0.0 or 1.0 instead of all-0 or all-one bits

c++ sse simd avx avx2

How to move a floating-point constant value into an xmm register?

assembly x86 sse

Multiply-add vectorization slower with AVX than with SSE

SSE (SIMD extensions) support in gcc

gcc sse simd

How do you get maximal speed out of SSE?

SSE loading ints into __m128

c gcc sse avx

Relationship between SSE vectorization and Memory alignment

sse simd

Using SSE on floating point pixels with only 3 color components

c gcc assembly sse simd

Find min/max value from a __m128i

c++ x86 sse simd

x86 microarchitecture/SIMD market share

How to simulate pcmpgtq on sse2?

assembly sse simd sse2 sse4

SSE code for sum bytes. Where's the bug?

How to enable SSSE3 intrinsics but disable their use in compiler optimization

c++ optimization gcc sse sse3

Interpreting GDB registers (SSE registers)

unix x86 gdb sse

Where is Clang's '_mm256_pow_ps' intrinsic?

clang intel sse intrinsics avx