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Translating SSE to Neon: How to pack and then extract 32bit result

c++ arm sse neon intrinsics

AVX/SSE round floats down and return vector of ints?

c++ intel sse intrinsics avx

Shuffle AVX 256 Vector elements by 1 position left/right - C intrinsics

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Why does AES in SSE not provide full function?

glibc and SSE functionality

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Storing individual doubles from a packed double vector using Intel AVX

x86 x86-64 sse avx

bool judgement is so slow? [closed]

c++ c optimization sse

Why movlps and movhps SSE instructions are faster than movups for transferring misaligned data?

optimization assembly sse

how invert __m128 into ints

c++ sse

Using fast Intel random generator(SSE2) fails with stack around ... is corrupted

c++ random sse simd

Optimize extraction of 64 bit value from AVX2 register

c sse avx avx2

Can a movss instruction be used to replace integer data?

c++ assembly vector sse

Floating-point number vs fixed-point number: speed on Intel I5 CPU

What is the difference between loadu_ps and set_ps when using unformatted data?

sse simd intrinsics sse2

Get an arbitrary float from a simd register at runtime?

x86 sse simd avx avx2

What is the difference between _mm_movehdup_ps and _mm_shuffle_ps in this case?

Why using AVX ymm(m256) instructions is ~4 times slower than xmm(m128)

What is the point of SSE2 instructions such as orpd?

How much effort do you have to put in to get gains from using SSE?

c++ sse

where is _mm_prefetch in Visual Studio 2012?

c++ sse prefetch