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How to define a 128-bit constant efficiently?

Performance degrade while using alternative for Intel intrinsics SSSE3

intel sse simd sse3 intel-atom

Fast weighted mean & variance of 10 bins

c++ optimization sse variance

What happens with a non-temporal store if the data is already in cache?

c++ x86 sse cpu-cache

Convert signed short to float in C++ SIMD

c++ sse simd avx2

SSE: shuffle (permutevar) 4x32 integers

sse simd intrinsics avx

Is there a way to simulate integer bitwise operations for _m256 types on AVX?

c++ c integer sse avx

Broadcast a byte value to all 16 XMM slots in Delphi ASM

strange error during cast to __m128i

c sse sse2

How do I convert _m128i to an unsigned int with SSE?

c++ image-processing sse simd

Detect the availability of SSE/SSE2 instruction set in Visual Studio

c++ visual-studio x86 sse sse2

Most recent processor without support of SSSE3 instructions? [closed]

x86 sse simd instruction-set

SSE4.1 intrinsics compilation error on Mac

gcc sse intrinsics

Fastest 50% scaling of (A)RGB32 images using sse intrinsics

c++ sse

initialize a union array at declaration

c arrays sse initializer unions

SIMD code runs slower than scalar code

c optimization sse simd sse2

Usage of _mm_shuffle_epi8 intrinsic

SSE Compare Packed Unsigned Bytes

x86 comparison unsigned sse

What's the difference between GCC builtin vectorization types and C arrays?

gcc assembly sse vectorization