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RSpec with Rails 3.1 No route matches error, except that the route exists

Sunspot and RSpec fail. The commit doesn't seem to be working

Why do I get syntax highlighting for RSpec only in some projects in VIM?

How to clear Redis Database in test environment with fakeredis?

rspec unit testing a method which has a infinite loop

unit-testing rspec

How do I set a variable in my rspec test so that it can be used by the controller for a query?

How to mock CSV foreach method in Rspec

ruby-on-rails ruby rspec

Rspec routing specs give failure with param id reversed?

Issue with Faker gem

ruby-on-rails rspec faker

How to fix my RSpec syntax for version 2.99?

Reducing n+1 queries using the Bullet and RSpec gems

How to stub a method that is called in initialize method

ruby rspec

undefined method `before' for main:Object

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Shoulda-matchers are not seen by rails/rspec

Testing custom Logstash filters

testing rspec logstash ansible

RSpec - stubbing an instance method

Rspec testing Sentry's Raven capture_exception

Testing rails controller with rspec

ruby-on-rails ruby rspec

Assert that no method is called on a mock

ruby rspec rspec2

Capybara selenium driver, hovering an element