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Rspec routing specs give failure with param id reversed?

Generating arbitrary (legal) Unicode character with scalacheck?

scala specs scalacheck

Matching any parameterless function as an argument in scala Mockito

scala mocking mockito specs

Creating a spec helper in rubymotion

specs rubymotion

Unit-testing Spring applications using Scala's Specs

spring scala junit specs

What specs does one need for a good iPhone app development environment?

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BDD tool for Scala supporting reusable parameterized Gherkin clauses

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Seq empty test with specs2

"scala is not an enclosing class"

scala specs

Is there a way to match on a call-by-name argument of a Mockito mock object in Specs?

scala specs

How does the "specs" BDD framework for Scala work?

scala bdd specs

Creating a Specs2 matcher in a modular way

scala specs specs2

Is there a specs matcher that will unbox Option and Either

scala bdd specs

Akka actors unit testing with Scala

scala testing akka actor specs

How to use Specs2 with Scalacheck to automate testing of String arguments?

scala specs scalacheck specs2

learn Scala with TDD

scala tdd specs scalatest

Guide to writing specs in Erlang

types erlang specs

Exception matcher in Specs BDD library for Scala

scala bdd specs

Scala testing: What's the status and relationship of SUnit, ScalaTest, ScalaCheck, Specs and ParTest?