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RSpec routing test problems with params in nested resources

Combine multiple let statements


How can I test token-based authentication?

ruby-on-rails rspec

Failure/Error: expected: 1 time with any arguement, recieved: 0 times with any arguments

rspec way for passing variable between multiple contexts

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Testing code in a Rails engine with RSpec

ruby-on-rails rspec

Testing class which uses refinements with RSpec

NoMethodError: undefined method `validate_presence_of' (Rspec and Shoulda-Matchers)

Include the I18n helpers in Rspec Tests for Services

rspec test if method is called

ruby testing rspec

How do I get the whole error backtrace for rspec?

select: Capybara::Ambiguous: Ambiguous match, found 2 elements matching visible option

SimpleCov rspec and cucumber separately

rspec stack trace on autotest

Rspec: Show a model's errors when it's not valid

ruby-on-rails ruby rspec

Why don't people access database in Rspec?

ruby-on-rails rspec

Shoulda rspec matchers :on => :create

Stub out address geocoding during RSpec unit test

Cookies do not persist in Rspec on rails 3.1

ElasticSearch + Tire: good strategy to mock ES