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New posts in nested-resources

RSpec routing test problems with params in nested resources

Rails 3 - Best way to handle nested resource queries in your controllers?

Rspec and Rails with View Tests and Nested Resources

Yii2 - nested resources best practice

php yii2 nested-resources

Rails 3 Nested resource routes inherits parent constraints, how to avoid it?

Does anybody have any tips for managing polymorphic nested resources in Rails 3?

Rails 3 routing: Avoiding Deep Nesting

form for nested resource

Nested resource and restricting the Routes Created :only and :except

How to use Link_to with nested resources

Getting Rails Nested Resources to Route to correct nested Controllers

Rails: Nested resources conflict, how to scope the index action depending on the called route

RSpec, stubbing nested resource methods

Rails: Getting the Parent Object of a Nested Resource

Using nested resources without the parent ID in Rails

Rails Nested Singular Resource Routing

Rails Namespace vs. Nested Resource

Nested resources in Django REST Framework

Rails - link_to, routes and nested resources

change the URL without changing the resource name