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New posts in rails-routing

Rails 3 routes to wrong controller

Rails landing page routing and devise

Can't create a route that has a segment with a leading dot in Rails (to verify Let's Encrypt)

How do I make config.exceptions_app work with rspec

Exclude all other resources from subdomain in Rails

How to make Rails route to response for the font files (eot)?

Rails routing like github

Rails: RESTful resources: Worth using or inflexible/overrated?

How to write a redirect that uses relative_url_root if defined?

RSpec not finding my named routes

Check for the existing of a header attribute in rails before invoking an action

Routing Error in rails app 'uninitialized constant HomeController'

Namespaced API's and resource routes

Rails query string with a period (or full stop).

How to create app-wide slug routing for Rails app?

Ruby on Rails redirect how to pass params in routes file

How do I use Simple_Form with Nested Resources?

How to change a route name rails 4

Rails routing: resources with only custom actions