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New posts in rails-routing

Routing for sessions#destroy action

can't get rails current_page? method to work with both GET and POST

Rails NameError uninitialized constant (Model and Namespace Collision)

Rails routing: format constraints when none is specified

Rails Routes - slash character vs hash character

Ruby on Rails choosing wrong controller action

How to set default format for routing in Rails?

i18n Routing To Mounted Engine - Ignoring locale

Creating an Admin directory in Rails

Rails 3 Routes: DRY members

Ruby on Rails - passing params into 301 redirect in routes.rb

Adding prefix to a named route helper under namespace

How to add parameter to rails index action/method?

How to include routing in ApplicationHelper Spec when running trough Spork?

ActionController::RoutingError: uninitialized constant Api::V1::ApiController

Rails 3 link or button that executes action in controller

Routing in Rails. Dots in URL [duplicate]

render a 404 page on routing error in rails