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New posts in rails-routing

Rails 3 w/ Devise: How to set two separate homepages based on whether the user is authenticated or not?

Rails route: define root to namespace

Routing Error -- No route matches [POST] "/posts/new"

What to test in Rails routing?

Overriding a resource route to / (root) in Rails3: not changing the path helper?

Rails controller action without a view

How to write routing when resource model name does not match path or controller

Why does rails redirect to the show action after creating?

Rails routes: redirect an entire resource

Rails Routing Error? 'No route matches'

Enforce trailing slash in Rails Routing

Accessing Named Routes in Rakefile

Getting Rails Nested Resources to Route to correct nested Controllers

Rails 3 link_to (:method => :delete) not working

grouping controller in subdirectories for nested resources

How to get the current route in rails

Engine routes in Application Controller

when does rails looks for Index method and when for show method in controller

Redirect To Same Page In New Domain after Locale changes in Rails 3

How to declare a nested resource in activeadmin?