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New posts in controllers

Grails controllers pass parameters

Errno::ECONNREFUSED in UsersController#create

One controller to 2 fxmls (JavaFX)

javafx fxml controllers

Returning an ActionResult from another ActionResult

AngularJS global controller

cakePHP: how to combine two or more application views on one cakePHP layout page?

cakephp views controllers

How to handle recursive rendering of data using AngularJS

Devise controllers rails

What does respond_to do when called without a block?

Split controllers into 2 separate DLLs

Rails 4 parameters; how to whitelist a param to a set of values

Rails - Call same after_action method from different controllers

RoR Ransack Searching issue

Rails - Two controllers or adding actions?

How to use update Resource Controllers laravel 4?

How to handle header and footer with AngularJs

How to (auto) generate a webapi controller for MVC + Entity or generically query all types

Binding.pry in controllers with passenger

Modifying BaseController in rails ActiveAdmin gem