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Connecting a rails application with sunspot to a tomcat/solr server with authorization

Sunspot and RSpec fail. The commit doesn't seem to be working

Errno::ECONNREFUSED in UsersController#create

Sunspot-solr is eating up too much memory? What's a convenient way to reduce memory usage?

rails solr search limit total search results / get fixed number of results

Sunspot: force index of parent model when updating child model

How do you enable partial matching with "sunspot for rails"?

sunspot solr how to search multiple models correctly? All examples online fail

sunspot_rails unable to index due to "404 Not Found" error

How do I dynamically build a search block in sunspot?

sunspot sunspot-rails

View raw Solr tokens for a single field on a single document

Querying multiple models with different attributes using Sunspot

Sunspot solr search, how to return all records at once?

Sunspot Index Only When Searchable Fields Change

Rails Sunspot gem: Usings facets with multiple model site-wide searches

How to implement faster Search As You Type (SAYT) api in Rails 3 application