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Sunspot and RSpec fail. The commit doesn't seem to be working

Solr sunspot in different environments

Reindex Sunspot Solr in Capistrano

Sunspot Solr fulltext search and will_paginate

solr, sunspot, bad request, illegal character

Getting number of hits without pagination in sunspot 1.2 on ruby on rails 3

Exclude draft articles from Solr index with Sunspot

Date range facets with Sunspot in Ruby on Rails

Heroku Rails Websolr, sunspot is not free in production?

Sunspot-Solr slowing down to a beast once my Application climbed to > 1000 objects [ Solr Logs Included ]

solr sunspot - searching belongs_to association

Sunspot Solr Rails - Search Multiple Models using 'with'

How highlight found word with Sunspot?

How to use globalize and sunspot in rails 4