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sunspot heroku websolr authorization

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How can I use the latest version of the Sunspot gem with Solr Cell?

Sunspot Solr Search like Rails active record 'LIKE' search

SOLR 6.2 ignores heap settings (SOLR_JAVA_MEM param)

Sunspot: force index of parent model when updating child model

Can sunspot search inside array?

Debugging Solr search queries on Sunspot

Can't get rails search form to work with simple_form and sunspot

Rspec tests running in wrong environment?

Sunspot: how to do a fulltext query on multiple fields with different values?

Reindex just one particular record with sunspot

How can i manually reindex solr using sunspot?

couchdb sunspot reindex

Rails & Sunspot facets and filtering

How can I write a request spec with Capybara/RSpec for testing Sunspot/Solr searching?

Full text search for Rails 3

How do I dynamically build a search block in sunspot?

sunspot sunspot-rails

Sunspot: Sort/order facet results by attribute e.g. created_at

ruby sorting facet sunspot

View raw Solr tokens for a single field on a single document

Full text search for irregular rapper names with Solr

Sunspot / Solr / Rails: Model Associations are not updating in the Index