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Split controllers into 2 separate DLLs

I have an idea I'd like to implement which basically involves separating the controllers in an MVC4 Project to 2 different projects. The reason being I'd like to be able to have different controllers for an internal admin section of my site and for the external client section. I'd like to make changes to each of them individually and add a new DLL to the website as I make changes...the changes to the internal admin section of the site thus not affecting the controllers DLL for the external client section for example.

Does anyone know if this is possible/advisable or of a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to achieve?

like image 546
ledragon Avatar asked Oct 02 '22 07:10


1 Answers

taken from an artical : "The MVC framework provides a default controller factory (aptly named DefaultControllerFactory) that will search through all the assemblies in an appdomain looking for all types that implement IController and whose name ends with "Controller." Thus, if you tell the factory to look for a "Home" controller, the factory can return a newly instantiated instance of a HomeController class regardless of the namespace or assembly it lives in—as long as it implements IController...."

by adding a reference to another project in you'r solution you can achieve what you are looking for, in that referenced project add you'r controllers. like written above the MVC Routing will find all controllers that been referenced in that solution.

like image 128
knightsb Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 13:10
