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Ruby Rspec outputs literal escape characters on windows

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RSpec-2 and Devise

Why is my rspec test failing?

factory girl and nested_attributes in rails 3

RSpec tests with devise: could not find valid mapping

How to develop a Rails3 engine against a real app, using RSpec?

RSpec, implicit subject, and exceptions

ruby rspec

Why undefined method "has_many" in Rspec example?

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Automatically re-run rspec example if a Timeout::Error occurs

rspec rspec2 rspec-rails

Rails 3 and Rspec: counter cache column being updated to 2 when expected 1

rails 3.2 rails generate rspec:install... undefined method `delegate_template_exists?' for class `ActionView::Base' (NameError)

RSpec custom matchers in Cucumber to DRY implementation-dependent tests, is it possible?

How do I create an admin role with Factory girl?

Testing presence and belongs_to with Rspec

Using Rails and Rspec, how do you test that the database is not touched by a method

how to use rspec to mock a class method inside a module

ruby rspec mocking rspec2

Validation failed: Password digest can't be blank

ruby-on-rails rspec

RSpec test PUT update action

ruby-on-rails rspec crud put

Newly generated Guardfile is empty

ruby rspec guard

How do I take into account the random number in my rspec tests?