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New posts in stubbing

How do I set a variable in my rspec test so that it can be used by the controller for a query?

capture parameters passes to stub in powermockito

How do I stub a path generating method in Rails?

Mockito when/then not returning expected value

Rhino Mocks: stubbing value used in assertion?

How do you stub all methods of a particular mock instance

Sinon.JS stub for window.location.search

Mockito doesn't correctly stub methods taking list as argument

How would I go about unit testing this?

Stubbing/mocking intent in Android Espresso test

Mockito vs JMock

Wiremock error - there are no stub mappings in this WireMock instance

java wiremock stubbing

Python mockito - Mocking a class which is being instantiated from the testable function

Mock a method with an object parameter with Mockito

How can I stub the Properties.Settings object when the unit test is in a different assembly?

Rails Rspec allow_any_instance_of raises "does not implement" error for ActiveRecord object attributes

Stubbing ActiveRecord associations

Stubbing when an object's constructor builds another object

Stub out address geocoding during RSpec unit test