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RSpec gives ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error

RSpec and Autotest issue in rails 3 project

Cucumber undefined methods

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rspec view stubs and partials

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FactoryGirl — Factory not registered

Test that rails helper renders a partial

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Testing associations with rspec-rails 3.0.1 and shoulda doesn't work

Stub file open in chefspec

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Empty response when rendering RABL template with RSPEC

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RSpec and Object Initialization in Ruby

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Updating from FactoryGirl to factoryBot results in NoMethodError

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How does rspec work with Rails 3 for integration tests?

Test only one it or describe with Rspec

"PGError: no connection to the server" on running specs with Spork

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Rails 'rake test' runs test twice immediately after creating new rails project

Customizing Rspec generators in Rails 3

How to use Capybara Rspec Matchers to test a presenter?

Can I use capybara/rspec to match a range?