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New posts in indentation

Why don't people indent C++ access specifiers/case statements?

Custom indent width for BeautifulSoup .prettify()

How do I correctly organize output into columns?

c++ tabs indentation cout

How to fix the YAML syntax error: did not find expected '-' indicator while parsing a block?

How to indent the contents of a multi-line string?

python string indentation

How to paste source code to vim without error format?

vim indentation

Python command line: ignore indentation

Emacs: How to keep the indentation level of a very long wrapped line

emacs indentation word-wrap

No indent for paragraphs after figures? [closed]

latex indentation paragraph

Shortcut for changing tabs->spaces->tabs in IntelliJ IDEA

Is there a quick way to decrease the indentation of multiple lines in Python?

Text editor function to indent multiple lines at once

How to fix Pylint "Wrong hanging indentation" and PEP8 E121?

python indentation pylint pep8

What is the preferred way to indent cases in a switch? [closed]

Automatic indentation for Python in Notepad++

Emacs cc-mode indentation problem with C++0x enum class

How to create an all browser-compatible hanging indent style in CSS in a span

html css indentation

How to avoid namespace content indentation in vim?

python yaml.dump bad indentation

python yaml indentation

Indentation in VS Code