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New posts in indentation

Python's interpretation of tabs and spaces to indent

python tabs indentation spaces

Keeping code structure with string literal that uses whitespace

How to auto indent a C++ class with 4 spaces using clang-format?

Why shouldn't I mix tabs and spaces?

Indenting in VIM with all the files in Folder

vim indentation

How to set Emacs tabs to spaces in every new file?

2 Spaces or 1 Tab, what's the standard for indentation in the Rails Community?

Notepad++: disable auto-indent after empty lines

Why is indentation in empty lines bad?

How to get smart tabs ("indent with tabs, align with spaces") behavior in Xcode?

If you break long code lines, how do you indent the stuff on the next line? [closed]

IndentationError: unexpected unindent WHY?

python indentation

Xcode: Adjusting indentation of auto-generated braces?

xcode indentation

Code-style for indention of multi-line 'if' statement? [duplicate]

Android Studio "This file is indented with tabs instead of 4 spaces"

How to reindent lines in IntelliJ IDEA / WebStorm?

intellij-idea indentation

Python: "Indentation Error: unindent does not match any outer indentation level"

python indentation

LaTeX: indent from second line

latex indentation

ESLint "Unexpected tab character" when "indent" rule set to "tab"

Indent/format code in Visual Studio code on MAC