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New posts in bit-shift

Get Integer From Bits Inside `std::vector<char>`

Use of bit wise shift operator in ConcurrentHashMap

What is the most efficient way to enumerate vertices of k dimensional hypercube in C++?

ctypes reimplementation of rshift for c_ulong

The best way to shift a __m128i?

Right-shifting 32-bit ints

How to get last 16 binary digits of a negative number and concatenate them?

Mathematical operations on packed numerical values

c# bit-shift

Is it expected that a too large bitshift is undefined behavior in Rust?

What is practical application of x86 RCL/RCR instructions?

I need a little explaination on this bitwise puzzle

sra(shift right arithmetic) vs srl (shift right logical)

Defining Java Constants using Bit-Shift Notation

java constants bit-shift jls

Concatenate binary representation of two ints

Bitshifting Int16's only works with literals

c# bit-shift short

Bit shift compiler bug or a corner case?

c++ gcc c++11 bit-shift

Google Protocol Buffers: ZigZag Encoding

How to extract specific bits from a number in C?

Converting from RGB ints to Hex

c# bitmap bit-shift

Why does a shift by 0 truncate the decimal?