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New posts in protocol-buffers

Need help in protocol buffer in client server using java

how to define cycles in protobuf?

java c++ protocol-buffers

protobuf-c: How to pack nested messages

c protocol-buffers

spring mvc rest protocol buffers http 406 not acceptable error

What parameters HasField function of protobuf expects?

python protocol-buffers

What is the purpose of proto_path in the protoc command

java protocol-buffers

Missing dependencies when building @com_google_protobuf//:protobuf_lite

How to get slice of concrete type (not pointers) in go protobuff

go protocol-buffers

Is it possible to define a numeric range for a field in Protocol Buffer?

types protocol-buffers ada

java generics issue

Example of using "byte" datatype with protobuf-c

c malloc protocol-buffers

Efficiently Converting Java List to Matlab Matrix

Which is the most efficient serialization techninqe that must be language independent [closed]

ASP.NET WebApi with Protocol Buffers - Error handling

Caffe to Tensorflow (Kaffe by Ethereon) : TypeError: Descriptors should not be created directly, but only retrieved from their parent

availability of 'well known types' in proto3 protocol-buffers


How to use google protobuf in a project with precompiled headers

c++ qt protocol-buffers

using repeated field rule in a message with nanopb in c

c protocol-buffers nanopb

Protocol Buffers: How to parse a .proto file in Java

how to properly saving loaded h5 model to pb with TF2