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New posts in protobuf-net

deserialize "long" string with protobuf for c# doesn't work properly for me

c# protobuf-net

ASP.NET WebApi with Protocol Buffers - Error handling

Protocol Buffers In C#: How Are Boxed Value Types Handled

Get *.proto files based on c# classes


Google Protocol Buffers - protobuf-net deserialization not working properly

Serializing and Deserializing with Polymorphism and Protobuf-net

How do you serialize/deserialize jagged/nested arrays with protobuf-net?

c# protobuf-net

Importing .proto files from another project

Using ProtoBuf-net with gRPC

protobuf-net class with dictionary property

protobuf-net and wcf web apis

wcf rest protobuf-net

Interfaces with protobuf-net and C#

c# .net protobuf-net

Generating c# file from .proto file using protogen on pre build event

Weird thing happen while deserializing boolean data member with inline initialization

How to properly migrate from WCF DatacontractSerializer to Protobuf-net?

protobuf-net Serialize To String and Store in Database Then De Serialize

c# protobuf-net

Can I serialize arbitrary types with protobuf-net?
