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New posts in assembly

repz ret: why all the hassle?

What is the difference between "mov (%rax),%eax" and "mov %rax,%eax"?

emu8086 doesn't recognize my labels

Difference between MIPS and ARM datapaths

Need help understanding FF indirect call instruction x86

assembly x86 intel

strings with quotation marks in assembly

string assembly emu8086

How to read a character from standard input in DOS such that redirection works?

x87 FPU computing e powered x, maybe with a Taylor series?

Why some kernel actions cannot be written in C

c assembly kernel

How does a processor without an overflow flag perform signed arithmetic?

How to print the length of a string in assembly

assembly x86 nasm

Swap most significant byte and least significant byte in assembler

Can the MIPS register $0 be used to store and retrieve values?

assembly mips glibc

where goes the ret instruction of the main

c assembly x86 return

Why is this code using VMULPD to write registers that will be overwritten by VFMADD? Isn't that useless?

assembly avx fma

For-loop macro/preprocessor for assembly files in GCC

Successive sys_write syscalls not working as expected, NASM bug on OS X?

Writing a C function from given x86 assembly

Why does eax contain the number of vector parameters?

How to set only the overflow flag ARM assembly?