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New posts in assemblies

Should I mix technologies within assemblies?

Circular reference in web service

Controller not loaded from different assembly?

could not load file or assembly 'microsoft.sqlserver.batchparserclient'

c# sql deployment assemblies

Split controllers into 2 separate DLLs

Does order matter when registering, gac-ing assemblies for COM interop?

.net com interop assemblies gac

Assembly creation guidelines

How can in inject a literal expression using Reflection.Emit?

Adding references adds wrong version

How do I coordinate assembly version information in my tree of many C# projects?

c# assemblies version

Re-register DLL after Extract DLL problem

.net dll assemblies gac

How to increase Assembly Version Number 1 by 1

Error with existing COM Reference or adding a new one

How can I locate a specific type in an Assembly *efficiently*?

Deploy Crystal Report dlls only using ClickOnce without using prerequisite .msi

Storing application settings in Silverlight

Any reason to ship .snk file with the project sources?

.net assemblies strongname snk

#using, #include, and 'assembly references' -- what are they and how do they relate?

how to delete the pluginassembly after AppDomain.Unload(domain)

c# plugins assemblies

.NET4: In-Process Side-by-Side Execution Explained