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New posts in assemblies

.Net Load Reference at runtime

.net reflection assemblies

Dynamically load a DLL from a specific folder?

c# dll assemblies

How do I relocate assemblies from a deployment project without breaking application references?

'You must add a reference to Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common' even though assembly is in the GAC

c# .net assemblies reference

Resolving/using multiple assembly versions from 3rd party dependencies

Loading all referenced assemblies .NET even if not used explicitly in code

assemblies autofac

make the assemblyversion similar to publish version

c# deployment assemblies

Strange problems about strong name verification skipping

Lazy loading of assemblies/catalogs

generatePublisherEvidence in CLR4

Create an assembly in memory

c# assemblies

How do I report progress on loading assemblies into the Current AppDomain in .Net on a splash screen?

c# wpf assemblies progress

Assembly Loading Version Mismatch: Why is it loading?

.net assemblies dll

How to get custom attributes from an assembly that is not (really) loaded

Side effects of calling Assembly.Load multiple times

c# .net load assemblies

Maven assembly - Error reading assemblies