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New posts in assemblies

Understanding AppDomains in Windows

How can I use a .Net assembly in Java

Said, "Assembly successfully added to the cache" but it's not in the cache

.NET Load assemblies at runtime Again

c# .net reflection assemblies

How can I switch .NET assembly for execution of one method?

Parse assembly qualified name without using AssemblyName

c# parsing assemblies

Can i specify the module version id (MVID) when building a .net assembly?

Get Assemblies Without Instantiating Them

c# .net vb.net assemblies

ResolveEventHandler after Assembly.LoadFrom

c# .net vb.net assemblies

Unable to delete assembly (.exe)

c# assemblies

What is a private assembly in .Net?

.net assemblies

Is there a possibility to use a .NET assembly in a non-CLR-Program?

.net assemblies clr

Separation of business logic [closed]

Is it possible to see what version of .NET an assembly was built in?

.net assemblies

Loading a InMemory compiled assembly into current domain

What is "AllInternalsVisible" parameter of assembly:InternalsVisibleTo attribute?

InternalsVisibleTo causes CS0246 error: The Type or Namespace could not be found

C# - Cannot getting a string from ResourceManager (from satellite assembly)

c# resources assemblies

Target Platform and 'Could not load file or assembly' error

How can I patch .NET assemblies?

c# .net assemblies