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New posts in project-organization

Bleeding edge vs field tested technology. How will you strike a balance [closed]

Organizing code in C# projects [closed]

c# project-organization

Why is it not sensible to store Django templates within their associated apps?

Should I mix technologies within assemblies?

Java: Best way of accessing methods from far away objects

java project-organization

Architecture(structure)-oriented vs. feature-oriented project structure

how do you organize your namespaces?

How to organize unit testing of a library project in Xcode?

Is a good idea to put all projects in the same trunk?

svn project-organization

Split Python source into separate directories?

DDD: Should a Dto Assembler be a part of Domain Layer?

C# single project organization

How to organize java project with IDE?

Organizing a project that uses multiple languages?

Unit/Integration Test Organization in a Large Visual Studio Solution

Organizing solutions, projects and SVN

How should I organize source control for Android projects including libraries?

What classes should I put in domain package? [closed]

Separating package.json for frontend and backend with shared code

CherryPy : Is there a best way to split the project in multiple files?