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New posts in x86

Transition from real to protected mode in the Linux kernel

reinterpret int32 to float

c++ x86 nan reinterpret-cast

C++ code execution time varies with small source change that shouldn't introduce any extra work

BIOS and Address 0x07C00

How "lock add" is implemented on x86 processors

Why does Linux favor 0x7f mappings?

Rust compiler not optimising lzcnt? (and similar functions)

How would one programmatically simulate lower processor frequencies?

c assembly x86 cpu simulation

Using Assembly On Mac

macos assembly x86

Example of executable stack in Linux (i386 architecture)

c linux gcc x86 elf

Simulating packusdw functionality with SSE2

x86 sse intrinsics sse2 sse4

The END directive in assembly language

assembly x86 masm32

How did an assember for x86 get a label's address defined after jmp instructions referenced to it?

assembly x86

x86 multi-byte NOP and instruction prefix

x86 prefix nop

Reverse engineer optimized c code from assembly

How do I enable SSE for my freestanding bootable code?

x86 sse instruction-set

Division causes unbalanced parentheses

assembly x86 att

Is it possible to find a list of all of the assembly instructions that GCC can generate?

gcc assembly x86 instructions

assembly check if number is even

assembly x86

What is signed division(idiv) instruction?