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New posts in shader

Should I avoid creating multiple variables when programming a shader?

glsl shader hlsl glsles

Do WebGL and OpenGL use the same shading language?

opengl webgl shader

OpenGL - vertex normals in OBJ

Artifacts from fragment shading in OpenGL

OpenGL ES best practices for conditionals

ios opengl-es-2.0 shader

When do I have to multiply two colors together when do I have to add them?

opengl shader lighting

Using lights in three.js shader

three.js shader

Difference between dFdxFine and dFdxCoarse

opengl glsl shader opengl-4

Why are there two brackets [ in the c++ vertex functions?

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GLSL with fragment shader renders only black GL_POINTS

opengl shader glsl

3D Graphics Batching

c++ opengl 3d directx shader

The right model for shading in Ray tracing

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Calculate clipspace.w from clipspace.xyz and (inv) projection matrix

opengl glsl shader direct3d

Using ShaderProgram in libgdx to create an overlay for in-game menu

shader libgdx

is it possible to read data from vertex shader?

Fragment Shader - Average Luminosity

How fragment shader determines the number of fragments from vertex shader output?

How to compile hlsl shader file in Visual Studio C# project

c# shader hlsl sharpdx

Adding bloom (glow) effect to shader (Unity game engine)

OpenGL: Add vertices with vertex shader

opengl shader vertex