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New posts in raytracing

How do you calculate the Angle of Incidence?

math raytracing

Does ray tracing do diffraction/interference/dispersion effects?

graphics raytracing

How would you implement a perfect line-of-sight algorithm?

Fast SSE ray - 4 triangle intersection

c++ raytracing

When writing openCL code, how does it perform on a single-core machine without a GPU?

raycasting: how to properly apply a projection matrix?

How to keep a list of instances of a class?

c++ pointers raytracing

Dealing with point lights and exact reflections in path tracing

How is BRDF usually implemented?

Understanding C++ constexpr Performance

c++ c++17 constexpr raytracing

Mapping from 2D projection back to 3D point cloud

Optix dynamicly sized array in payload

cuda nvidia raytracing optix

Ray Tracing: Only use single ray instead of both reflection & refraction rays

c++ c trace raytracing

Spherical filter in android

Compute gradient for voxel data efficiently

How do I initialize the t-variables in "A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing"?

Improving raytracer performance