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New posts in raytracing

What is the fastest way to find the point of intersection between a ray and a polygon?

Path tracing: why is there no cosine term when calculating perfect mirror reflection?

How to deal with refraction when the rays start inside of a nested object

graphics raytracing

Can someone describe the algorithm used by Ken Silverman's Voxlap engine?

How to implement Depth of Field in Ray Tracer?

c++ raytracing depth

References for depth of field implementation in a raytracer?

game-physics raytracing

Testing whether a line segment intersects a sphere

How to move a camera using in a ray-tracer?

Blender: Impossible Cube [closed]

OpenCL ray tracer works fine on CPU but not (always) on GPU

c++ opencl raytracing

What types of geometry definition file format is best used with ray tracing to include the type of material

graphics raytracing .obj

Ray tracing - refraction bug

c++ graphics raytracing

OpenGL render vs. own Phong Illumination Implementation

Raytracer Refraction Bug

c++ raytracing

Ray-Triangle Intersection C++

Trouble with Phong Shading

c++ graphics shader raytracing

Is this ray tracing function that runs on the GPU, GPU safe?

c++ opengl glsl raytracing

What is the purpose in this part of the Monte Carlo path tracing algorithm?

math graphics 3d raytracing