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FactoryGirl after_create method not saving

rspec/capybara/poltergeist tests pass 100% locally, random tests fail on teamcity CI server

Rails4 + Authlogic + rspec

RSpec not finding my named routes

Rspec: let versus let with an exclamation mark

Rspec - Test that rails view renders a specific partial

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How can I configure rspec to show output with spork?

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Rake / Rspec: How to suppress / quiet / silent the first output line showing the command with --pattern ?

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How can I skip some setup for specific Rspec tags?

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How to use dynamic values with RSpec mocks?

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How to count RSpec examples filtered with :focus in a git hook?

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Rspec: test number of rows in CSV output

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Cannot run rspec with filter tags

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RSpec 3.5 pass argument to shared_context

Capybara unable to find hidden element with text

Rails: Testing authorization (Pundit) with RSpec

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