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New posts in capybara-webkit

Capybara webkit doesn't pass params from angular

rails bundle error - capybara-webkit - Failed to build native extension

How can I count list elements in unordered list? (RSpec/Capybara)

Rspec periodically hangs when using capybara-webkit with a page that loads an external script with async = true

Why are my Javascript-dependent feature specs passing when not in Javascript mode?

Check hidden checkbox using Capybara

Fill in Editor textarea using capybara-webkit

ActionView::Template::Error: unexpected token at '{{2+2}}'

Uncheck check_box only not working with rspec / capybara tests

RSpec+Capybara request specs w/ JS not working

Test loading message content before AJAX request is completed with Capybara

RSpec and Capybara: How to get the horizontal and vertical position of an element

Capybara-webkit cannot handle link with bootstrap glyphicon

Install capyabara-webkit gem on Amazon Linux AMI

Silencing unnecessary capybara-webkit warnings

Unstable Sidekiq job behavior with capybara-webkit

Capybara unable to find hidden element with text

Find elements by data attributes