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Testing a Class inside of a Module with RSpec

Setting an environment variable when running default Debug command in Rubymine

custom request headers in rspec controller test being passed as rack.session

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RSpec: uninitialized constant ActiveRecord (NameError)

Building a json stub using FactoryGirl

Rspec and Capybara undefined local variable or method `page'

Capybara - unable to click a link

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Clicking on a confirmation alert using Capybara and rspec

Rspec tests load error: cannot load such file -- spec_helper (LoadError)

What's the "right" way to test functions that call methods on new instances?

EOFError when running feature tests with Capybara and headless Chrome [closed]

Can you simultaneously test a state change and a return value in RSpec?

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Rails 5 before_destroy throw(:abort)

Rspec tests based on condition

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Fetching 'action_name' or 'controller' from helper spec

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shoulda macros with rspec2 beta 5 and rails3 beta2

Do Rails controllers URL unencode params for me?

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Share code between view specs

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Testing invalid emails with Rspec

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How to experiment with rspec from within irb

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