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New posts in namespaces

How to alias a type with a using directive in my Razor view?

StyleCop/FxCop 10 - How do you properly suppress a message only on a namespace level?

JAXB XML Object Marshalling without namespace prefixes

Taking out all classes of a specific namespace

c# reflection namespaces

How to provide namespaces in JavaScript with instanced objects

javascript namespaces

Tcl question - how to list functions in a namespace

namespaces tcl

PHP class not found when using namespace

How to search by attribute value

Ruby namespacing

Class Not found in AppKernel.php

"Expected unqualified-id before 'namespace'" error

c++ debugging namespaces

XML deserializing only works with namespace in xml

Recommended way to prevent naming pollution by helper classes in C#?

PHP: How to get a fully qualified class name from an alias?

php class namespaces alias

what is the exact usage of xmlns in xml, and html

html xml namespaces

Using a class in a namespace with the same name?

c++ class namespaces symbols

rails: methods from module included in controller not available in view

Why can't I run my java Hello World program if it is inside a package?

java namespaces packages

C#: Problem trying to resolve a class when two namespaces are similar

c# namespaces

From [package] import [function] in R