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New posts in namespaces

Adding namespaces to ASP.NET MVC 3 views

Ideal number of classes per namespace branch [closed]

c# namespaces grouping

How to work with variable in namespace

c++ static namespaces

Facebook SDK v4 for PHP Minimal Example

php namespaces

Why accessing to class variable from within the class needs "self." in Python? [duplicate]

What's the advantage of a trailing underscore in Python naming?

python namespaces

Methods inside namespace c#

c# class syntax namespaces

Any portable tricks to obtain namespace name in C++?

c++ namespaces

Why doesn't this overloading/namespace/template-related C++ code compile?

Does using namespace cause name hiding?

Is there a way to get all namespaces you're 'using' within a class through C# code?

c# reflection namespaces

R package does not load dependencies [duplicate]

Typical structure of an ASP.NET solution?

asp.net namespaces solution

Why aren't template specializations allowed to be in different namespaces?

Namespaces in JSON

javascript json namespaces

Can a local variable have the same name as a namespace?

"templating" a namespace

c++ templates namespaces

PHP5: get imported namespaces list

php oop namespaces

tslint: namespace and module are disallowed

Use types of same name & namespace in 2 .NET assemblies