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New posts in packages

Python: I can't import a module even though it's in site-packages

Using JavaFX with packages generates "Missing JavaFX application class" error

java packages java-8 javafx-8

When/how to change python sys.prefix from /usr when site-packages is in /usr/local?

Installing executable scripts with R package

Automatically Install Package-Based Perl Modules in Ubuntu

Loading external packages in Common Lisp with SLIME on Debian

Is it possible to parameterize a r package version?

Java package vs c# assemblies [duplicate]

c# java assemblies packages

Way to redefine builtin function inside a lisp package

common-lisp packages

Python imports structure

python structure packages

How to run spark shell with *local* packages?

maven apache-spark packages

How to create a sub-package and add existing files intellij?

When are package objects initialized?

scala packages package

Installing a package from source?

r installation packages

Spyder - python - install external packages

Bitbake: "Nothing PROVIDES" error

Implementing custom stopping metrics to optimize during training in H2O model directly from R

How do I use the new 'ByteCompile' field in R-2.14?

r packages

Require minimum version of R package

r version packages package

Installing an R package from local unzipped folder