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Why can't CLISP call certain functions with uninterned names?

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Common Lisp: standalone executable and shared C library

Reading structures with typed slots in SBCL

How do I prevent slime from starting sldb on certain errors?

How to improve the speed of reading a large file in Common Lisp line by line

How to import maxima into sbcl

What is the effect of ftype declarations on built-in functions in SBCL?

common-lisp sbcl declare

How to get a function/macro definition from CL REPL?

Common Lisp reading from file and storing as list

common-lisp sbcl

Why does SBCL print Sublis like this?

lisp common-lisp sbcl

How to access the new x86 bit-manipulation instructions from Common Lisp?

Does SBCL for lisp handle scope differently? It does not seem to pass scope into called functions?

scope lisp common-lisp sbcl

Loop'ing over arrays or lists indifferently

common-lisp sbcl

exp in SBCL is wrong?

lisp sbcl

sbcl (directory "*") not returning all files (missing *.lisp for example)

lisp common-lisp sbcl

lisp: capture stdout and stderr, store it in separate variables

lisp common-lisp sbcl

Unreachable Ill-formed if-expression is syntax error in Scheme but not in Common Lisp

unwind-protect - how does it work

common-lisp sbcl

Common Lisp on CentOS 7

Proper way of defining packages using asdf:defsystem and quickproject