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How to improve the speed of reading a large file in Common Lisp line by line

Recently I have a task to process a large file, the file size is 460MB, and contains 5777672 lines. When I use the linux built-in command 'wc' to calculate the file line numbers, it is blazing fast:

time wc -l large_ess_test.log
5777672 large_ess_test.log

real    0m0.144s
user    0m0.052s
sys     0m0.084s

Then I use following codes to calculate the line numbers in Common Lisp (SBCL 1.3.7 64bits)

#!/usr/local/bin/sbcl --script
(defparameter filename (second *posix-argv*))
(format t "nline: ~D~%"
        (with-open-file (in filename)
          (loop for l = (read-line in nil nil)
             while l
             count l)))

The result make me disappointment, since it is really slow comparing to the 'wc' command. We just calculate the line number, even without any other operations yet:

time ./test.lisp large_ess_test.log
nline: 5777672

real    0m3.994s
user    0m3.808s
sys     0m0.152s

I know SBCL provide the C function interface, with which we can call the C procedures directly. I believe if I call the C functions directly, the performance will improve, so I write following codes:

#!/usr/local/bin/sbcl --script
(define-alien-type pointer (* char))
(define-alien-type size_t  unsigned-long)
(define-alien-type ssize_t long)
(define-alien-type FILE*   pointer)

(define-alien-routine fopen FILE*
  (filename c-string)
  (modes    c-string))

(define-alien-routine fclose int
  (stream FILE*))

(define-alien-routine getline ssize_t
  (lineptr (* (* char)))
  (n       (* size_t))
  (stream  FILE*))

;; The key to improve the performance:
(declaim (inline getline))
(declaim (inline read-a-line))

(defparameter filename (second *posix-argv*))

(defun read-a-line (fp)
  (with-alien ((lineptr (* char))
               (size    size_t))
    (setf size 0)
        (getline (addr lineptr) (addr size) fp)
      (free-alien lineptr))))

(format t "nline: ~D~%"
        (let ((fp (fopen filename "r"))
              (nline 0))
                  (if (= -1 (read-a-line fp))
                      (incf nline)))
            (unless (null-alien fp)
              (fclose fp)))

Beware there are two 'declaim' lines. If we do not write that two lines, the performance is nearly the same as previous version:

;; Before declaim inline:

;; time ./test2.lisp large_ess_test.log
;; nline: 5777672

;; real 0m3.774s
;; user 0m3.604s
;; sys  0m0.148s

But if we write that two lines, the performance increased dramatically:

;; After delaim inline:

;; time ./test2.lisp large_ess_test.log
;; nline: 5777672

;; real 0m0.767s
;; user 0m0.616s
;; sys  0m0.136s

I think the performance issue of the first version is that 'read-line' do many other things than just read a line from the stream. Also if we can get a inline version of the 'read-line' the speed will increase. The question is can we do that? Is there any other (standard) way to improve the read performance without rely on the FFI (not standard)?

like image 829
xiepan Avatar asked Feb 06 '23 11:02


2 Answers

The wc utility is specialized towards this task (e.g. it uses fadvise). If I had to perform the task quickly, I would probably consider using it from Lisp:

CL-USER> (time (parse-integer
                 (trivial-shell:shell-command "wc -l /tmp/large") 
                 :junk-allowed t))
Evaluation took:
  0.160 seconds of real time
  0.007343 seconds of total run time (0.000000 user, 0.007343 system)
  4.38% CPU
  381,646,599 processor cycles
  2,176 bytes consed


Here below is a 2.8 times slower Common Lisp version (SBCL 1.3.7) which:

  1. uses a buffer of (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) elements and searches for 10 (LF)
  2. relies on READ-SEQUENCE
  3. counts elements explicitly (no COUNT)
  4. adds optimization declarations

As explained in comments, this assumes a particular encoding of newlines which won't work in all cases (that's bad, but here we replicate how wc works).

Use case

I made a file with the required number of lines and random large numbers on each line.

$ head /tmp/large

$ time wc -l /tmp/large
5777672 /tmp/large

real    0m0.180s
user    0m0.119s
sys 0m0.061s

$ du -h /tmp/large
388M    /tmp/large

Counting lines

(defun count-lines (file &optional (buffer-size 32768))
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (debug 0) (safety 0))
           (type fixnum buffer-size))
  (let ((buffer
         (make-array buffer-size
                     :element-type #1='(unsigned-byte 8)))
        (sum 0)
        (end 0))
    (declare (type fixnum sum end))
    (with-open-file (in file :element-type #1#)
         (setf end (read-sequence buffer in))
         (when (= end 0)
           (return sum))
         (dotimes (i end)
           (declare (type fixnum i)
                    (dynamic-extent i))
           (when (= 10
                    (aref buffer i))
             (incf sum)))))))


CL-USER> (time(count-lines #P"/tmp/large"))

Evaluation took:
  0.493 seconds of real time
  0.493113 seconds of total run time (0.409636 user, 0.083477 system)
  100.00% CPU
  1,179,393,504 processor cycles
  1,248 bytes consed


If you need to do something else with the line, use a string buffer instead and reuse it directly without doing copies. You probably need to copy the last chunk of characters (after the last newline in the buffer) to the beginning in order to fill the buffer again, though.

like image 57
coredump Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 12:04


One of the main problems of READ-LINE is that it allocates a new string for each call. This can cost time, depending of the implementation.

The Common Lisp standard lacks a function, which reads a line into a string buffer.

Some implementations provide a solution for a function which reads a line into a buffer. For example the function READ-LINE-INTO in Allegro CL.

Usually implementations provide streams which buffer the input. Searching for newlines can be implemented on top of that, but the code for that might be implementation specific (or use some of the stream abstractions) and/or complex.

I don't know if there is an official implementation of such functionality, but something like that can be found here - looks complex for SBCL:

read-line-into-buffer in https://github.com/ExaScience/cl-elprep/blob/master/buffer.lisp

like image 44
Rainer Joswig Avatar answered Apr 27 '23 13:04

Rainer Joswig