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How do you create a project from scratch using Brunch.io, without using their skeletons?

ShinyApps: "shinythemes" package not loading when deployed on Shinyapps.io

r packages shiny

Why packages installed with pip install --user option are not 'visible' from shell?

CLisp: "use-package" resolving conflicts non-interactively

packages common-lisp

Can't resolve project reference because of indirect dependency on current target framework

How to combine all the packages of the eclipse?

eclipse plugins merge packages

Best way to organize java code... multiple projects or separate by packages?

Prevent implicit import of units in Delphi packages

multiple classes in ActionScript package?

How to get list of recent apps with Android API 21 Lollipop?

Is there an equivalent to Python's virtualenv in nodejs?

Why would an R package load random numbers?

Delphi Package Build / Install debugging

R Newbie Confused about Install Packages

r google-analytics packages

Automatic loading of data from sysdata.rda in package

r packages devtools package

Cannot load Packages available in share\octave\packages but not listed in share\octave\octave_packages

Access CLOS-object slots from used external package

common-lisp packages clos

Swift Package Manager Mixed Language Source Files

ios swift packages

Do I need to define an enum as 'public' in its own file so it can be recognized outside its own package?

java enums packages visibility

Is there any way to namespace PL/SQL packages?