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Python imports structure

I want to have this structure for my project:


The application is run from project/project.py. However, I constantly get import errors when using relative or absolute imports.

Both engines need to import from project.core.base, the utils need to import from project.core.base as well, and project.py (the main file ran) needs to be able to import from engines.

Absolute imports don't work:

# engines/engine1.py
from project.core.base import MyBaseClass

which gives the error:

ImportError: No module named project.core.base

But if I try a relative import instead

# engines/engine1.py
from ..core.base import MyBaseClass

I get:

ValueError: Attempted relative import beyond toplevel package

I've seen other projects on Github structured similarly, but this seems to cause all sorts of problems. How do I get this to work?

like image 862
Bob Dylan Avatar asked Dec 14 '15 17:12

Bob Dylan

People also ask

How are Python imports organized?

Organize imports into groups: first standard library imports, then third-party imports, and finally local application or library imports. Order imports alphabetically within each group. Prefer absolute imports over relative imports. Avoid wildcard imports like from module import * .

What is the structure of a Python package?

Organize your modules into packages. Each package must contain a special __init__.py file. Your project should generally consist of one top-level package, usually containing sub-packages. That top-level package usually shares the name of your project, and exists as a directory in the root of your project's repository.

What are the types of import in Python?

There are generally three groups: standard library imports (Python's built-in modules) related third party imports (modules that are installed and do not belong to the current application) local application imports (modules that belong to the current application)

Does the order of imports matter in Python?

Import order does not matter. If a module relies on other modules, it needs to import them itself. Python treats each . py file as a self-contained unit as far as what's visible in that file.

2 Answers

Take a look at your sys.path. It's likely that the top project directory is in the python path, and it sees your sub-packages (ie. utils, engines, etc.) as separate packages, which is why it's giving you an error that you're trying to import from outside your package when doing relative imports, and absolute imports don't work because it can't find the top project directory because it's not under any of the python paths.

The directory above the top project directory is what needs to be added to the python path.



# Add this to the PYTHONPATH
like image 95
Patrick Carroll Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 06:11

Patrick Carroll

Try to use these imports:


from core import base


from core import base


from engines import engine1

if you use pycharm mark project directory as sources root and then try to run project.py. If you don't use pycharm you can run project.py by going to project directory and running command:

python project.py
like image 39
Žilvinas Rudžionis Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 05:11

Žilvinas Rudžionis