I'm trying to search for a word in a cell that has a text string that looks like this (Energy;Green Buildings;High Performance Buildings). Here is the code I wrote, I get a syntax error
for row in ws.iter_rows('D2:D11'):
for cell in row:
if 'Energy' in ws.cell.value :
Print 'yes'
Obviously, I don't want to print yes, this was to test the search function.
Additionally, I want to get the cell location, and then tell openpyxl to assign a color to a cell in the same row under column E. here is a snap shot of my Excel sheet. I know how to assign a color using this command
c.fill = PatternFill(start_color='FFFFE0', end_color='FFFFE0'
I just need help getting the cell location (the cell that has a matching text) and assign its row number to another cell in column E
UPDATE: I wrote this code below that is working fine for me:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
fhand = open ('My_Collection')
tree =ET.parse('My_Collection.xml')
data= fhand.read()
root = tree.getroot()
tree = ET.fromstring(data)
title_list= ['Title']
year_list = ['Year']
author_list= ['Author']
label_list = ['Label']
for child in tree:
for children in child:
if children.find('.//title')is None :
print title_list
print len(title_list)
for child in tree:
for children in child:
if children.find('.//year')is None :
print year_list
print len(year_list)
for child in tree:
for children in child:
if children.find('.//author')is None :
print author_list
print len(author_list)
for child in tree:
for children in child:
if children.find('label')is None :
print label_list
print len(author_list)
import re
for labels in label_list:
for a_l in all_labels:
if a_l not in Modified_label_list:
print Modified_label_list
print len(Modified_label_list)
label_list_for_col_header= Modified_label_list[1:]
print label_list_for_col_header
print len(label_list_for_col_header)
from openpyxl import Workbook
wb = Workbook()
ws = wb.active
for row in zip(title_list, year_list, author_list, label_list):
r = 5
for N in label_list_for_col_header:
ws.cell(row=1, column=r).value = str(N)
r += 1
from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill
general_lst= list()
COLOR_INDEX = ['FF000000', 'FFFFFFFF', 'FFFF0000', 'FF00FF00', 'FF0000FF',
'FFFFFF00', 'FFFF00FF', 'FF00FFFF', 'FF800000', 'FF008000', 'FF000080',
'FF808000', 'FF800080', 'FF008080', 'FFC0C0C0', 'FF808080', 'FF9999FF',
'FF993366', 'FFFFFFCC', 'FFCCFFFF', 'FF660066', 'FFFF8080', 'FF0066CC',
'FFCCCCFF', 'FF000080', 'FFFF00FF', 'FFFFFF00', 'FF00FFFF', 'FF800080',
'FF800000', 'FF008080', 'FF0000FF', 'FF00CCFF', 'FFCCFFFF', 'FFCCFFCC',
'FFFFFF99', 'FF99CCFF', 'FFFF99CC', 'FFCC99FF', 'FFFFCC99', 'FF3366FF',
'FF33CCCC', 'FF99CC00', 'FFFFCC00', 'FFFF9900', 'FFFF6600', 'FF666699',
'FF969696', 'FF003366', 'FF339966', 'FF003300', 'FF333300', 'FF993300',
'FF993366', 'FF333399', 'FF333333']
import random
color_lst= random.sample(COLOR_INDEX, len(label_list_for_col_header))
print color_lst
print int(label_list_for_col_header.index(label_list_for_col_header[0]))
h= len(title_list)
m= 0
for lbls in label_list_for_col_header:
j= int(label_list_for_col_header.index(lbls))+5
for row in ws.iter_rows('D2:D11'):
for cell in row:
if lbls in cell.value :
for items in range(len(general_lst)):
ws.cell(row = general_lst[items], column = j).fill = PatternFill(start_color=str(color_lst[m]), end_color=str(color_lst[m]) , fill_type='solid')
general_lst = []
m +=1
ws.column_dimensions['A'].width = 70
ws.column_dimensions['C'].width = 23
ws.column_dimensions['B'].width = 5
Follow these steps to locate cells containing specific text: Select the range of cells that you want to search. To search the entire worksheet, click any cell. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click Find & Select, and then click Find.
For an approach to searching I suggest you look at the answer to this question. Create a dictionary of terms to search in a single pass and use it as often as you like. However, you might also like to know that openpyxl also supports conditional formatting so that you can delegate the formatting to Excel. See the very bottom of the examples in the documentation. Used this myself for the first time last week. The Excel API is stupid as usual but you could abstract it and add all kinds of formatting to the file without ever searching yourself.
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