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Auto-loading Helpers in laravel 4

Body class for controller in Rails app

ruby-on-rails helpers

Devise Google Oauth works perfectly but doesn't sign-in on user creation, requires additional log on

Pre-build fragment cache (internal approach)

What is the most useful String helper that you've encountered? [closed]

c# string helpers

Using a helper page created on a page X in Y?

html razor helpers webmatrix

sails helpers and machine spec

sails.js helpers

How to transform text to input? [closed]

Should I use form helpers over standard HTML?

Rails 3 - select_tag helper - array

Static Helper Class vs Static Method on an Instance Class vs Extension Method

same record helper inheritance from two different sub-types

delphi record helpers

Rails 4: How to use ApplicationHelper methods in mailer view

HTML helpers in Webform?

c# asp.net .net webforms helpers

Helper directory in rails

ruby-on-rails helpers

Heroku login and logout does not work?

heroku helpers

Magento - create a helper class

magento helpers

link_to(:controller=>"something") helper + Devise doesn't work properly

where to put time format rules in Rails 3?

ruby-on-rails helpers