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Composer dump-autoload, issue

cakePHP: Can you query the database from a helper class?

cakephp-1.3 helpers

How can I output raw unescaped html from this Rails route/helpers?

Symfonian way to store custom utilities and helpers in symfony 2

Generate full url to javascript in rails (similar to javascript_path, but url)

ruby-on-rails ruby url helpers

Rails 3 strip whitespace before_validation on all forms

Cakephp-create a multi select form field

cakephp cakephp-2.0 helpers

How to hide parts of the view given a user role on Rails 4

PyroCMS helper documentation

Helper "fields_for" not working

Register Helper functions Node.JS + Express

WooCommerce - get_order() is not working

My rails helper is rendering '<' as '&lt;'! How to make it render correctly?

How can I generate a unique dom id for a html tag from model

ruby-on-rails views helpers

jQuery equivalents to ExtJS functions extend(), apply() and namespace()?

How can I correctly move grails unit-test helper methods into a seperate file?

Why is a block from a view rendered twice?

ruby-on-rails haml erb helpers

How do I use the `--helper` flag in a rails 3 controller generator?

Razor Helper in MVC 3 RC

asp.net-mvc razor helpers

Rails 3 nested resources short name?