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Laravel 5 - link_to_route() method making my route parameters to change into Query String by adding "?" at the end

php laravel laravel-5 helpers

Testing current user in helper spec

AssetTagHelper::image_path outside views

ruby-on-rails helpers

Rails: Form Select From Array/List Instance Variable

ruby-on-rails ruby helpers

Rendering a content_for block in a helper

How do I make sure the helpers and models reload in RSpec when I'm using Spork?

How to write a helper in Ruby on Rails to capture Haml blocks?

How to add a link_to in a select_tag with Rails/ERB?

Rails 3: @template variable inside controllers is nil

Rails: how can I access the request object outside a helper or controller?

Devise resource and resource_name helpers in custom controller

Using link_to in a class in a Rails helper

How to use elasticsearch.helpers.streaming_bulk

Rails: controller method or instance variable inside a helper

ruby-on-rails helpers

Calling a helper class in Magento

php magento e-commerce helpers

Rails 3 - select_tag helper - Blank option tag

Rubymine doesn't understand path helpers

Finding all by Polymorphic Type in Rails?

rails: methods from module included in controller not available in view

cakephp accessing view attributes/variables from within a helper

php cakephp views helpers