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PyroCMS helper documentation

I'm working on a PyroCMS project, but having problems due to the lack of complete documentation. Does anyone know where I can find a list of core helpers, such as {pyro:navigation:links}?

like image 679
Adam Hopkinson Avatar asked Nov 25 '10 21:11

Adam Hopkinson

1 Answers

I only pushed those changes live yesterday, I am building the documentation for this as we speak!


{pyro:settings:site_slogan} - or any other setting


{pyro:navigation:links group="header"}

{pyro:session:data name="foo"}
{pyro:session:flash name="foo"}

{pyro:session:messages success="success-box" notice="notice-box" error="error-box"}

{pyro:template:partial name="sidebar"}

{pyro:theme:path} - produces /path/to/addons/theme/xxx/
{pyro:theme:partial name="header"}
{pyro:theme:css file="style.css"}
{pyro:theme:js file="jquery.js"}
{pyro:theme:image file="logo.gif"}

{pyro:pages:url id="2"}

{pyro:url:current} - outputs http://example.com/the/current/url
{pyro:url:base} - outputs http://example.com/
{pyro:url:segments segment="2" default="something"}

{pyro:helper:lang line="foo"}
{pyro:helper:date format="d/m/Y"}

{pyro:pages:children id="2"}

{pyro:news:posts limit="5"}

{pyro:widgets:area slug="sidebar"}
{pyro:widgets:instance id="8"}

That's not a complete list as like I said, I am currently writing it!

It will be here when it's done: PyroCMS Tag Reference

like image 64
Phil Sturgeon Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 08:10

Phil Sturgeon