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How to alias a type with a using directive in my Razor view?

I need to alias a type with a using directive, which is normally done like so:

using LocalResources = Resources.Admin.SomeResource;

How can I do this inside my Razor view so that I can then use it like @LocalResources.FirstName?

like image 247
ShaneKm Avatar asked Jan 25 '11 20:01


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2 Answers

Here is how

@using File = System.IO.File //at the top of the page then 
// use @File any where in the cshtml page.
like image 69
Surjit Samra Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 14:10

Surjit Samra

Razor does not currently support type or namespace aliasing. This is something that we might consider for future versions.

like image 32
marcind Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10
