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New posts in maven-3

Deploy a web-application on Websphere 8.5 using maven 3

websphere maven-3

Liferay 6 Using Common Service Builder layer Error - BeanLocatorException - BeanLocator has not been set

Eclipse auto-build output interacts with Maven command-line build output

bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6

Create JAR file as Aggregation in maven multi module package

maven maven-3

How to specify active profiles in Maven3

maven profile maven-3

Unit test using the Reflections google library fails only when executed by Maven

Maven inherited attributes from parent POM

maven inheritance maven-3

Make Maven PMD Plugin Print Errors to Console

maven maven-3 maven-plugin pmd

Maven POM file: any rule on ordering of elements and sections?

Package contains object and package with same name

How does Maven determine which plugin version to use for plugins used from the command line?

maven maven-3

Why is the Maven JAR plugin not including some resources?

maven release:prepare with NoClassDefFoundError while using git

How can I prevent tests from being run when using exec-maven-plugin

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspApplicationContextImpl | jetty:run

Why is maven-war-plugin failing for web.xml missing if I configured it not to fail on missing web.xml?

Docker, maven and settings.xml

Jenkins unable to run Maven

linux git maven jenkins maven-3

How to get the full stacktrace of failed tests in failsafe?