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Manually attach main artifact if built by maven-assembly-plugin

I am having problems building a maven project. I have a requirement to produce deterministic jar files, which must be binary-consistent across different builds and versions, in case there are no source code changes in between these builds. For the purpose, I have used this article for guidance.

I have successfully managed to build my jars and they are consistent up to my requirements. Here is my configuration:

            <touch datetime="01/01/2015 00:10:00 am">
              <fileset dir="target/classes"/>
              <fileset dir="src"/>
            <copy file="${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}-deterministic.zip"


In the above code I build and package the jar as a zip, then copy the zip over the expected jar artifact.
The problem with the above, is that maven still executes the maven-jar-plugin, so the manually assembled jar is overwritten by the one of the maven-jar-plugin. I do not want to use this jar, since it is not consistent with my requirements.

So, I have disabled the maven-jar-plugin execution, by explicitly setting it to run for an invalid phase, like below: (saw that from other posts here)


Everything seems fine, until I discovered my main jar artifact is never installed in the .m2 directory. To correct this, I also added the maven-helper-plugin so that I manually attach any artifacts I produce from the assembler plugin:


This leads to an error I am unable to solve:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:attach-artifact (attach-instrumented-jar) on project my-project: Execution attach-instrumented-jar of goal org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin:1.9.1:attach-artifact failed: For artifact {full-name-of-my-project.jar}: An attached artifact must have a different ID than its corresponding main artifact. -> [Help 1]

Is there a way to overcome this issue? I've checked for solutions, and most recommend using classifiers, but I want to install the main artifact as would the maven-jar-plugin. Other software we are developing will require the standard jar dependency, and we want to avoid complicating our setup by introducing classifiers unreasonably.

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Ivaylo Slavov Avatar asked Jan 26 '15 18:01

Ivaylo Slavov

People also ask

What is use of assembly plugin in Maven?

The Assembly Plugin for Maven enables developers to combine project output into a single distributable archive that also contains dependencies, modules, site documentation, and other files. Your project can easily build distribution "assemblies" using one of the prefabricated assembly descriptors.

What is assembly descriptor in Maven?

So in order for you to customize the way the Assembly Plugin creates your assemblies, you need to know how to use the Assembly Descriptor. This descriptor specifies the type of assembly archive to create, the contents of the assembly, and the ways in which dependencies or its modules are bundled with an assembly.

Where is Assembly XML?

The default location of assemblies. xml is in the project root directory. To use an assemblies.

In which section of POM do you configure Maven plugins?

They execute during the build process and should be configured in the <build/> element of pom.

2 Answers

After some more trial and failures I happened to come with a working solution. I am posting it here with the hopes to either be useful, or to have any issues with pointed to me, as I am not really confident if this is a reliable approach.

So, the error I received

An attached artifact must have a different ID than its corresponding main artifact.

meant to me that I cannot manually install "again" the main artifact. Since that artifact is not produced anymore by the maven-jar-plugin, it never gets scheduled for installation even if the file is present (the antrun copy task produces a jar with the same name).

Surprisingly, it needed a few little tricks to make this work again:

  1. Re-enabled the maven-jar-plugin as it should be:


    This will produce the standard jar on the package phase, and most importantly, makes maven aware for it to be installed during the install phase.

  2. Tweak the maven-antrun-plugin copy tasks to overwrite the already produced jar with the deterministic zip. The setup is nearly identical as in my question, so I am only adding the differences:

              <copy file="${project.build.directory}/${project.build.finalName}-deterministic.zip"
          . . .

    The copy operation now has overwrite="true" specified. Originally, the copy operation seemed to ignore files in the destination if they already exist, and what happened is that the maven-jar-plugin had already produced the default jar artifact when the copying occured. With this option set, the maven-antrun-plugin now overrides the former jar with the deterministic one, and the latter becomes a subject of the maven install phase.

  3. Removed the setup from the build-helper-maven-plugin, so that the main jar artifact is not copied a second time:


That's it, the correct jar is installed in the .m2 dir.

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Ivaylo Slavov Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 14:10

Ivaylo Slavov

In case you don't have a plugin to create and attach main artifact for you, there is a more generic solution with Groovy Maven plugin:

                    project.artifact.setFile(new File(project.build.directory, project.build.finalName + ".zip"))

Inspired by post https://stackoverflow.com/a/31513690/2053580 many thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/users/1314907/lukasz-guminski

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Oleg Efimov Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 14:10

Oleg Efimov